Comprehensive and caring recovery services covering your financial, legal, human resource, and operational needs.


Rebounding from disaster requires more than good intentions. As your strategic partner, we bring a diverse wealth of business acumen, including financial, legal, and operational expertise to every project. We pride ourselves on cutting through red tape and avoiding outdated practices allowing us to secure maximum value for your community's comeback.


Recovery Roadmap

We work hands-on with key members of your team and related parties to develop and communicate a tailored roadmap to recovery. Every roadmap includes detailed plans, processes, and expected timelines needed to bring life back to normal, serving as a reliable, comprehensive guide for everyone involved. 

Damage Assessment

When working to get critical funding, time is of the essence. We assess, size, and value large losses across industries and complexities including: Municipalities, Public Utilities (Water, Energy), Ports, School Districts, and more. Our approach centers on prioritizing and planning to create a recovery path you can rely on.

Grant Strategy

With expertise in all of the federal and state grant programs, we offer full grant administration, coordination, and management for programs including but not limited to FEMA’s 428/404/406 and HUD’s CDBG. Our experience with the Stafford Act and other foundational programs allows us to provide a level of service unique from any other.

Financial Management

We bring a strong background in project and portfolio-level finance to mitigate the risk of future audits and financial penalties. We place the right experts with the right controls to ensure the analysis, procurement, budgeting, forecasting, and reimbursement processes meet the strict demands of each recovery program.


There are several key programs offered by different federal agencies. Our team is equipped to analyze and approach the resources that are right for your specific situation, but here is a breakdown of the three most common sources of federal funding we work with frequently:

  • FEMA provides grants to eligible entities for repairs, replacements, and improvements to infrastructure damaged by a presidentially declared disaster.

    What types of projects are eligible for FEMA PA funding?

    Repairs, replacements, hazard mitigation, and improvements to damaged infrastructure, including roads, bridges, public buildings, utilities, debris removal from public areas, and certain public facilities.

    Is my organization eligible for FEMA PA funding?

    Eligibility is generally limited to state, local, and tribal governments, and certain authorized private non-profit organizations.

  • HUD offers flexible grant funding to states, local governments, and certain designated entities.

    What types of activities are eligible for HUD CDBG-DR funding?

    Funds can be used for a wider range of activities compared to FEMA PA, including housing acquisition and rehabilitation, business assistance programs, infrastructure repair, economic revitalization initiatives, and mitigation planning.

    Who is eligible to apply for HUD CDBG-DR funding?

    States, local governments, and certain entities designated by the Governor are eligible. This may include counties, municipalities, and tribes. Nonprofits are not direct recipients but may be able to apply for sub-grants from state and local governments.

  • While not solely disaster-focused, some IIJA funds can be used for infrastructure repair and improvements following a disaster.

    What types of infrastructure can be repaired or rebuilt with IIJA funds?

    Various infrastructure projects including roads, bridges, water systems, electrical utilities, and broadband.

    How do I access IIJA funds for disaster recovery?

    The process varies depending on the program and funding source. Atlas Recovery Consulting can help you navigate the process and identify potential IIJA funding opportunities.


When you introduce a lot of people into a project, ownership tends to get lost in the shuffle. Our team sticks with you until recovery is complete, no matter how long it takes, monitoring progress and holding every party accountable to their respective responsibilities.

In typical multi-phase recovery projects, time and money are wasted by lack of communication. We avoid that by hosting efficient team and stakeholder meetings to keep everyone informed and serve as a consistent point of contact you can count on.


  • There are several key programs offered by federal agencies, and we will work to source appropriate funding for your specific situation.

    You can read more about the three most common federal funding sources above. These include:

    FEMA Public Assistance (PA) & Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)

    HUD Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR)

    Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)

  • The best program depends on your specific needs and recovery work. Start by contacting Atlas Disaster Recovery, and our team can assess your eligibility and identify the most suitable programs to approach.

  • Many federal public assistance programs recognize the challenges that communities may face in affording consultancy services. These programs typically include administrative management fees within the overall obligated funds.

    This provision ensures that both small and large communities can access the necessary expertise to manage their recovery processes effectively. By covering these costs, the programs help streamline recovery efforts, ensuring comprehensive support and successful outcomes for all communities involved.

  • No, Atlas provides services well before any disaster occurs. We work with communities to establish robust policies and conduct detailed pre-disaster asset assessments.

    This proactive approach ensures that no time is wasted in the event of future disasters, allowing for a swift and efficient response. By preparing in advance, Atlas helps communities minimize the impact of potential disasters and enhance their resilience.

  • Federal agencies like FEMA are not designed to drive applicant initiatives forward; much of the responsibility falls on the applicant.

    Atlas brings the expertise needed to ensure all stakeholders are engaged and moving towards the desired outcomes efficiently.

  • We’re here to answer them! Contact Atlas Disaster Recovery. We're here to guide your community towards a resilient future, every step of the way.


Our holistic approach is designed to bridge individual needs with public and private funding sources. If your community, company, or organization are in need, reach out! We would be honored to serve you.